Alachua County Dental Association
An affiliate of the Florida and American Dental Associations

Mission &
Who we are & Membership
Service & GKAS Invitation to Join For Dentists Contact us Links

Our members extensively volunteer to assist those in need of dental care in
the Gainesville area community and in non-dental volunteer capacities.

Our Give Kids a Smile event on Feb. 23, 2007 was held at the Acorn Dental Clinic in Brooker, FL.
Volunteers included members from our Association , their dental assistants,
Acorn Dental Clinic Staff , and Local WeCare program volunteers.
Financial Contributors are listed below as well. In addition to our Give Kids a Smile day we had
many volunteers visit all the first grade classrooms in our county for an educational outreach .

Members, their Dental Assistants, and friends
Dr. Alicia Skipper Dr. William Storoe Dr. Tim Garvey
Dr. Bertram Hughes Dr. Kathryn Hackenberg Dr. Jay Garlitz
Dr. Jennifer Day Dr. Cathy Taylor Dr. Alissa Gragstedt
Dr. Quinn Lybbert Dr. Micaela Gibbs Dr. Cheryl Ely
Dr. Elizabeth Patino Dr. Dawn Martin Dr. Theresa Dolan
Kelly Connaughton Lindy Brounley Dr. Melanie Kemmerer
Dr. Michelle Orris Elizabeth Gehrlich Becky Parrish return to top
WeCare Staff
Jean Sampson
Acorn Clinic Staff and
Pre-ASDA Volunteers
Stephanie Acevedo Laurie Jennings Kristin Skelton
Sybil Padavathil Steve Garrett Stephanie Strauss
Gary Benjamin Laura Stein Allison Cohen
Dale Benjamin Chrissy Wiggins Shovon Kasem
Financial Contributors
Caesy and Patterson Dental Henry Schein Dental Company Proctor and Gamble
The University of Florida College of Dentistry Santa Fe Community College The Alachua County Dental Association
Gator Dental Associates, PA King and Oliver Periodontics Jacobson and Martin Orthodontics
Dr. Loyce Jones, DMD Endodontic Associates Drs. Thaler and Townsend
Dr. Marc Cauchon Ivoclar Dr. Gary Altschuler Periodontics
Pappas & Tappley Orthodontics Aguirre and Sappington Orthodontics The MEGA Book
Marvin Slott Oral Surgery Dr. Yvette Godet, DMD Caton and Taylor Oral Surgery
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Classroom Volunteers
Dr. Jay Garlitz Dr. Marc Cauchon Dr. Janet Pappas
Dr. Patricia Tapley Dr. Steve New Dr. Ronnie Grundset
Dr. Suzi-Theims Heflin Dr. Jeff Hanley Dr. Douglas Adel
Dr. Lie-Ying Periu Dr. Kathryn Hackenberg Kristin Skelton
Dr. Enrique Vargas Dr. Bert Hughes Dr. Don Erbes
Dr. Michael Aguirre Dr. Rick Oliver Dr. Yvette Godet
Dr. Pat Sullivan Dr. Patty Webb Zach Liebman
Kristie Johnson Dr. Melanie Kemmerer
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